During the week, the police opened 118 criminal proceedings for the manufacture and use of fake COVID certificates — Igor Klymenko

09.11.2021 14:46

Most of this fake documentation is detected by law enforcement officers when citizens cross the border, in particular at airports. The Head of the National Police of Ukraine announced this today, November 9, during a briefing.

Igor Klymenko noted that from today on the website of the National Police, as well as on the websites of the Main Departments of the National Police in the regions, there will be a separate section dedicated to the work of the police during the pandemic.

“Today we are working in tough conditions. In the last week, 118 criminal proceedings were opened on the facts of manufacture and use of fake COVID certificates. Most of all, we find such documentation when crossing the border of our state,” the Head of the National Police said.

Igor Klymenko also added that over the past week, police reported 20 suspicions for committing these criminal offenses. Also, 20 indictments have already been sent to court.

“I will tell you about the latest shocking facts. Last Saturday, the bus station of the city of Mukachevo: an exposed group that was engaged in not only the sale of bus tickets at the box office, but also express tests were also offered to these tickets. When they began to investigate this crime further, it turned out that several doctors of medical institutions in Transcarpathia were also involved. The investigation is ongoing. And in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, together with the SBU, the deputy director of the municipal hospital was exposed — data on vaccination of citizens were also entered into the register without vaccination,” the head of the National Police said.

Igor Klymenko noted that currently in general in Ukraine the police work together with doctors in an enhanced mode:

“Every day, 2800 employees are employed as part of 1400 mobile groups, which on an ongoing basis check business entities, check COVID certificates. During inspections, it was the response groups that detected 400 facts of absence of Covid documents in 10 days of work.”

The head of the National Police also said that in just the past week, the National Police compiled 2100 administrative protocols for violations in this area. At the same time, in a week, law enforcement officers issued about 14 thousand decrees for violation of the mask regime. In total, since the beginning of quarantine in the country there are more than 425,000 such decrees.

Igor Klymenko noted that about 400,000 people move daily through the territory of Ukraine by passenger transport.

“In two weeks, we conducted 42,000 sample checks. These are primarily buses, rail routes and airports. There have already been 287 administrative protocols for passengers who were without Covid certificates in these buses,” the Head of the National Police said.

Igor Klymenko also noted that at the same time in 10 days the police detected 360 illegal carriers, on which 550 administrative protocols were drawn up.

Commenting on the situation regarding the state of incidence of coronavirus in the ranks of the National Police, Igor Klymenko said that currently about 2500 people are ill in the police. In total, about 95% of employees are vaccinated in the department.

Recall: Earlier, the Head of the National Police stressed that checks for compliance with quarantine rules and COVID documentation are carried out legally.

Also, Igor Klymenko emphasized that the police clearly fulfill the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the observance of quarantine restrictions by citizens.

Department of Communications of the National Police of Ukraine

Photo by Andriy Novitsky

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