In Chernivtsi region, police are investigating the circumstances of damage to the journalist's car

07.02.2022 16:30

On February 6, a man contacted the special line “102" and reported that an unknown person had damaged his car. The preliminary amount of damage caused is almost 6 thousand hryvnias.

Officers of the police department №4 (Hertsa village) of the Chernivtsi regional police department found out that a 48-year-old journalist from the Transcarpathian region left a BMW car near the house. According to the applicant, in the evening he noticed that the tires on his vehicle were cut.

On this fact, the police investigators entered the information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations under Part 1 of Article 347-1 (Intentional destruction or damage to the property of a journalist) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Currently, law enforcement officers are identifying persons involved in committing illegal actions against the journalist's property.

Department of communication police of Chernivtsi region


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