Police officers exposed a group of drug dealers in the illegal sale of potent drugs in Poltava region

16.09.2021 14:51

The employee of the pharmaceutical enterprise together with his accomplices established a scheme for the sale of methadone, dimedrol and zopiclone pills. At the same time, they did not have the appropriate permits for such activities. Law enforcement seized nearly 2,000 tablets and about a thousand ampoules with banned substances.

Operatives of the Department for Combating Drug Crimes in Poltava Oblast received information that a group of persons illegally distributes potent drugs and narcotic drugs.

Law enforcers have established that four residents of the city of Lubny - two women and two men - are involved in the illegal activity. A 53-year-old employee of a pharmacological enterprise secretly took pills of a potent drug - zopiclone, which he later distributed in bulk batches to his accomplices. They also established supply channels for methadone pills and dimedrol ampoules from other regions of Ukraine. Prohibited substances were illegally sold by intruders to drug-addicted residents of the city and area.

Drug dealers distributed them during personal meetings with “clients”. For one pill they received 50 hryvnia.

After monitoring the committed criminal offense in the form of a prompt purchase, the police conducted authorized searches in the households of the defendants, during which narcotic and potent drugs worth more than 120 thousand hryvnias were seized, namely: 1730 Zopiclone pills, 991 45 ampoules of dimedrol, methadone tablets, cannabis. Firearms, ammunition and gunpowder were also seized in one of them.

One of the active defendants has already been reported on suspicion under Part 1, 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) and part 1 of Art. 321 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, transportation, shipment, storage for the purpose of sale or sale of poisonous or potent substances or poisonous or potent drugs) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and a precautionary measure in the form of detention with the right to make bail in the amount of 136 has been chosen thousands of hryvnias.

Currently, the issue of notification of suspicion to other offenders under the above articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is being resolved. Under current law, they face up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

In addition, after conducting the relevant examinations, the issue of notifying one of the members of the group of suspicions will also be resolved under Art. 263 (Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the National Police of Ukraine


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