In Transcarpathia, police detained drug gang members

09.02.2022 15:59

The attackers established a network of drugs and psychotropic drugs in the territory of Mukachevo and Mukachevo district. Such a “business” brought up to 500 thousand hryvnias every month.

The operations of the strategic investigations department in the Transcarpathian region and investigators of the regional police stopped the activities of the criminal group. Yesterday, February 8, police officers with the force support of the special unit KORD and RPOP detained three members of the group and conducted sanctioned searches of the places of residence of the persons involved. They seized methamphetamine, marijuana, more than 50 thousand hryvnias, “rough” records”, etc.

As established by law enforcement officers, a resident of Mukachev organized the activities of the group, attracted his acquaintances to the accomplices. To conduct “business” they rented an apartment, where they were engaged in the storage, packaging and sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The police also established a place of cultivation of narcotic plants. The plantation was located in the middle of a field in Mukachevo district.

The harvested crop was taken by intruders to the apartment and prepared for sale. In the future, the participants received ready-to-market “goods” and already distributed it in the city and district. For one gram of marijuana they received 150 hryvnias, for amphetamine - 1800 hryvnias. Such “business” brought the group up to 500 thousand hryvnias per month. The organizer distributed the funds among all depending on their role in the group.

Currently, in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, three persons have been detained, five have been reported on suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of choosing preventive measures is being resolved. Procedural guidance in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Transcarpathian Regional Prosecutor's Office.

For the illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues, the current legislation provides for liability - imprisonment for a period of 9 to 12 years with confiscation of property.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine


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