In Kyiv region, the police stopped the activities of a drug group that manufactured and sold amphetamine and phenylnitropropene

15.11.2021 12:29

Four members of the group in the area set up the work of a large-scale laboratory for the manufacture of psychotrope and precursor. Its capacity allowed the production of up to 20 kg of amphetamine and phenylnitropropene every month. We sold goods both on the territory of Ukraine and outside its borders. The amount withdrawn at the prices of the “black” market is more than 15 million hryvnias.

The activities of the group were exposed by the operatives of the Department for Combating Drug Crime in the Kiev region of the DBN together with the investigators of the investigative department and the employees of the operational services of the police of the Kiev region.

A 37-year-old Kiev resident who was repeatedly convicted organized a criminal “business”. The man rented a warehouse on the territory of the Kiev region, where, under the guise of a furniture workshop, he equipped a modern drug laboratory, in which he personally established the process of manufacturing prohibited substances.

As assistants, he recruited two more residents of the capital and a resident of the region, whom he introduced to the process of making a psychotropic and a precursor. Each of the members of the group had clearly defined duties: a 38-year-old from Kiev supervised the process of chemical reactions, his 36-year-old sidekick, according to the instructions of the organizer, carried out postal shipments of wholesale batches of “goods” and provided the laboratory with the necessary equipment. Another assistant — a 34-year-old resident of the area — guarded the lab and dealt with retail sales, selling amphetamine to customers “from hand to hand.”

The leader of the group himself controlled all processes, provided the laboratory with the necessary precursors, and set up and controlled the wholesale supply of psychotropics and precursors.

“Goods” were sold both on the territory of Ukraine and outside its borders, transporting it to the Republic of Poland with the help of truckers. Every month, such a “business” brought about a million hryvnias of profit to the members of the group.

The policemen, with the strong support of the soldiers of the special purpose police regiment of the Kiev region, detained all members of the group when they were engaged in the manufacture of psychotropics. During the search, law enforcement officers seized 20 kilograms of amphetamine in the dry state and 120 liters in liquid, 5 kilograms of phenylnitropropene, more than 600 liters of various precursors, laboratory equipment, “draft” records and instructions for making psychotropics and precursors.

The cost of the extracted substances at the prices of the “black” market is more than 15 million hryvnias.

All drug group participants were notified of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and selected preventive measures: the organizer — non-alternative arrest, his accomplices — detention with the right to deposit bail you.

In addition, after receiving the results of the expert study, they will be additionally informed about the suspicion of the organization of the activities of the drug laboratory and the illegal sale of precursors committed by an organized group of particularly large sizes (Articles 311, 313 and 317 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), and the leader of the drug group - also under article 306 of the Criminal Code the index of Ukraine, that is, the use of funds obtained from the illegal circulation of psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors.

Also, an arrest was made on the organizer's car, which was purchased for funds received from the sale of psychotropics.

For the committed acts, defendants may face punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the National Police of Ukraine

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