Draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Procedure for Registration, Issuance and Registration of Permits for the Installation and Use of Special Sound and Light Signal Devices of Blue Color on Vehicles”

In accordance with Articles 9, 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity” (hereinafter — the Law), we announce the publication on October 19, 2023 on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Procedure for Registration, Issuance and accounting of permits for the installation and use of special sound and light signaling devices of blue color on vehicles” (hereinafter — draft order): https://mvs.gov.ua/uk/normativna-baza-mvs/proekti-normativnix-aktiv/projekt-nakazu-ministerstva-vnutrisnix-sprav-ukrayini-pro-vnesennia-zmin-do-poriadku-oformlennia-vidaci-ta-obliku-dozvoliv-na-vstanovlennia-ta-vikoristannia-specialnix-zvukovix-i-svitlovix-signalnix-pris.

The draft order was developed in order to establish the Procedure for registration, issuance and accounting of permits for the installation and use of special sound and light signaling devices of blue color on vehicles, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of December 23, 2019 No. 1080, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 24, 2020 Act No. 85/34368 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 22, 2017 No. 176 “Issues of the use of special sound and light signals devices on vehicles.”

Amendments to the Procedure provide for the establishment of requirements for the registration and issuance of permits for the installation and use of special sound and light signaling devices of blue color on vehicles used by the Judicial Guard Service; the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine; the specialized state institution “Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination” and health institutions who have a license to conduct business activities in medical practice, which provides for the right to provide medical care with the use of transplants.

Comments and proposals from individuals and legal entities, their associations regarding the draft order are accepted within a month from the date of publication in writing to the postal address: ul. Lukianivska, 62, m. Kiev, 04052, or to the e-mail address: [email protected].

In accordance with Article 20 of the Law, comments and proposals on the published draft order are also provided to the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine at the postal address: ul. Arsenalnaya, 9/11, m. Kiev, 01011, or to the e-mail address: [email protected].

Electronic consultations with the public on the draft order are held here.

Draft order
Comparative table Analysis of regulatory impact Explanatory