25.11.2022 08:15
We have a common approach and vision, but we must consolidate our efforts, - Denis Monastyrsky
This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs during an interdepartmental meeting at which the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine presented the state policy on veteran development. According to the results of the meeting, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Veterans determined the directions that should be strengthened in cooperation with the development of the state veteran policy.
19.11.2022 12:00
“Don't get lost in the dark!” — police and rescuers started safety training for Ukrainian schoolchildren
Accidents on unlit streets are increasing. In the last month alone, 120 pedestrians died in Ukraine. 100 of them became victims of car accidents in the dark. To teach children how to protect themselves on an unlit road, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs went to one of the capital's schools and started the action “Do not get lost in the dark!”.