01.02.2024 11:35
In the first month of 2024, National Guard fighters destroyed and disabled 112 Russian tanks at a total cost of more than $300 million.
26.01.2024 17:15
They have different uniformity and tasks, but the common desire is to protect civilians and bring victory closer
During a business trip to Kharkiv, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko visited units of the National Police and the State Emergency Service.
25.01.2024 14:40
A few kilometers from Russia: The Minister of Internal Affairs visited the positions of the “Steel Border”
Igor Klymenko together with the Head of the State Border Guard Service Sergey Deineko visited the positions of “steel” - a few kilometers from the border with the enemy.
14.12.2023 16:47
ATTACK ON KIEV | 13.11.2023
On the night of December 13, the occupiers launched a rocket attack on the city of Kiev. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provide assistance to the victims and record the next crime of the Russian military
08.12.2023 16:44
Security in schools and new online services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Igor Klymenko on the air of the “United News” telethon
Safe educational environment and provision of new online services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko spoke on the live broadcast of the National Telemarathon “United News”
01.12.2023 16:38
112 Service Center opened in Lviv
The Communication Center of Service “112" will serve the Western Macroregion of Ukraine. By the end of 2024, emergency number 112 will work in every region of the state
27.11.2023 16:41
About 6 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in the elimination of bad weather - Igor Klymenko
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine told about the latest data on the elimination of the effects of bad weather on the air of the national tele-marathon “Yedini Novosti”
03.10.2023 10:00
In an interview with UP, Igor Klimenko talks about the work of the Guard of the Offensive
In an interview with UP, Igor Klimenko talks about the work of the Guard of the Offensive, recalls conversations with the dismissed defenders of Azovstal.
15.09.2023 12:42
Reserve. Recovery
Reserve of employees of state bodies for work in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine.
10.07.2023 11:25
The defenders of “Azovstal” returned to Ukraine
Together with the President, the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko congratulated the servicemen on their return. Svyatoslav Palamar (nickname “Kalina”), Denis Prokopenko (Radis), Oleg Khomenko, Sergey Volynsky (Volyn) and Denis Shlega returned home.