25.05.2023 10:33
Igor Klymenko: The Ministry of Internal Affairs team is doing everything to bring our victory as close as possible
This was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko in an interview with RBK-Ukraine.
26.04.2023 09:27
Do you hear sirens when they're not there? How are you?
We are all going through something now that does not fit in our heads. Our mental health needs attention and care to overcome stress, tension and fear. On the initiative of the First Lady - Elena Zelenskaya, the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program “How are you?” was created. The program website contains tips and contacts on how to help yourself and loved ones. Go to HowaReu, com to learn more.
19.04.2023 13:12
Anxious thoughts do not allow you to sleep? How are you?
We are all going through something now that does not fit in our heads. Our mental health needs attention and care to overcome stress, tension and fear. On the initiative of the First Lady - Elena Zelenskaya, the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program “How are you?” was created. The program website contains tips and contacts on how to help yourself and loved ones. Go to HowaReu, com to learn more.
07.12.2022 19:05
Denis Monastyrsky awarded heroes-national guards and border guards
The Minister of Internal Affairs presented state awards to the servicemen of the National Guard, the State Border Service, who took a direct part in repelling and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and showed personal courage and courage, resilience and determination, risking their lives and health.
07.12.2022 15:09
Only in unity will we win in this war — Denis Monastyrsky
This was emphasized by the Minister of the Interior during the award ceremony on the occasion of the International Volunteer Day.
01.12.2022 17:35
Training of future police officers should take place taking into account wartime experience — Denis Monastyrsky
This was emphasized by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine today, December 1, during the opening of the practice-oriented seminar “Peculiarities of activities of police bodies and units in the conditions of armed aggression of the Russian Federation”.
30.11.2022 18:25
In Ukraine, several thousand Points of Inviolability, for which the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible, — Denis Monastyrsky
This was announced by the Minister of the Interior today, November 30, during a briefing for media representatives, summarizing the results of the inspection of one of the Points of Inviolability on the basis of the State Emergency Service.
30.11.2022 17:40
70 “Safety Classes” were created on the basis of the State Emergency Service and schools in Ukraine
This became known today, November 30, during the presentation of the “Security Class” on the basis of the State Emergency Service, which was visited by the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky.
30.11.2022 16:40
Warmth, connection and comfort are the main requirements of the Points of Inviolability, - Denis Monastyrsky
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs once again inspected the Points of Inviolability, which are deployed on the basis of the State Emergency Service, and examined their contents. Such Items are stationary and mobile.
30.11.2022 16:00
Denis Monastyrsky: In points of invulnerability, citizens can not only warm up, but also recharge the phone, relax and feel safe
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine inspected one of the points of inviolability of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. He spoke about the results of the visit during a live broadcast on the television marathon “United News”.