In eight months, 89.5% of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were vaccinated against COVID-19
In total, 89.5% of employees of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine received vaccination against acute respiratory disease SOVID-19.
In the units that are part of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of vaccinated workers is high enough to ensure their activities.
The full course of vaccination (two doses) against COVID-19 was completed by employees:
91.4% - National Police of Ukraine;
89.3% - the State Migration Service of Ukraine;
84.7% - State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;
92.4% - National Guard of Ukraine;
90.3% - the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
Remember, it is important to monitor your health condition and visit the doctor on time! Do not neglect basic safety rules, including:
- Wash hands thoroughly and frequently with soap or treat them with antiseptic;
- avoid crowds of people;
- keep a social distance of 1.5 m;
- use a protective mask;
- if you get sick, stay at home.
During the pandemic in Ukraine, 3,130,772 people were diagnosed with coronavirus disease, of which 74,206 people died.
We urge citizens to get vaccinated against COVID-19, because this is the only way to overcome the pandemic!
Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine