Criminal proceedings have been initiated on the fact of obstruction of journalistic activity near the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

04.11.2021 20:20

During the coverage of the event, the clergy interfered with the work of the media representative and tried to force him out of the filming location.

The police received a message from a journalist of one of the TV channels that unknown people were hindering his professional activities during the coverage of the incident about the fire on Lavrskaya Street. At this time, the investigative and operational group of the Pechersk police department worked at the scene of the incident, which received a statement from a representative of the media.

Previously, law enforcement officers found that clergymen prevented the journalist from working and tried to force him out of the place of the video shooting, as well as take his phone.

According to this fact, the police initiated criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - obstruction of the legal professional activity of journalists. The sanction of the article provides for a fine of up to fifty taxable minimum incomes of citizens or arrest for up to six months, or restriction of liberty for up to three years.

Law enforcement officers establish all the circumstances of the incident.

Kyiv Police Communications Department

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