Due to the fact of obstructing the professional activity of journalists, the capital's investigators initiated criminal proceedings

05.10.2021 09:25

Currently, law enforcement officers are carrying out the necessary investigative actions for an objective and impartial pre-trial investigation.

On September 4, the Kiev police received a message from the editor of one of the Internet publications on the special line 102 that in the premises of a financial institution on Antonovich Street, the film crew was hindered by journalistic activity. To establish all the circumstances of the incident, patrolmen's uniforms and the investigative and operational group of the Golosiivskyi Police Department immediately went to the call.

Currently, law enforcement officers are carrying out the necessary investigative actions for an objective and impartial pre-trial investigation. Inspectors of the Investigation Department of the Holosiivskyi Police Department opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - obstruction of the legal professional activity of journalists.

Kyiv Police Communications Department


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