In two months of this year, the Donetsk police stopped the activities of five organized criminal groups

25.03.2021 11:44

In addition, two criminal organizations were exposed. 19 people have been criminally prosecuted.

The police established the involvement of members of the OZG in the commission of 86 crimes. The damage caused by the activities of criminal groups reaches more than 600,000 hryvnias.

Documenting closed communities with a strict hierarchical structure is the result of joint efforts of operational and investigative units and takes an average of 3-6 months. In the disclosure of criminal schemes, modern technical solutions are also used.

During the two months of 2021, the police eliminated five organized crime groups that specialized in various areas of illegal activity, among which - drug trafficking and deforestation.

OZs operate according to a well-defined plan, where each participant plays their role, and use multiple levels of conspiracy.

Thus, in February, the police sent to the court an indictment against a group of “black” loggers who destroyed more than half a million hryvnias in the Mangush district during 2020. The attackers acted exclusively at night, for the purpose of conspiracy they put a “lookout”, and when approaching the police or witnesses hid deep in the thickets.

In the same month, a group of drug dealers who set up the sale of methamphetamine and precursors in the territory of Mariupol was detained. The daily profit of those involved reached more than 20 thousand hryvnias.

Members of criminal groups were brought to criminal responsibility, and their property was seized in the amount of 285,000 hryvnias.

Donetsk Oblast Police Communications Department

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