KHNUUS in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Eastern Europe has developed a set of training and methodological materials for National Police officers

20.12.2021 11:16

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Eastern Europe has developed a set of training and methodological materials for National Police officers. The complex of materials includes:

6 training videos on the personal safety of police officers when interacting with representatives of high-risk groups for HIV infection and people using drugs and psychoactive substances;

methodological recommendations “Organization of activities of units of the National Police of Ukraine on interaction with communities when informing representatives of high-risk groups about human immunodeficiency virus infection”, posted on the educational portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
electronic training course “Activities of bodies of the National Police of Ukraine on interaction with communities when informing representatives of groups increased risk of HIV infection”, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent the use of psychoactive, narcotic substances, reducing the number of crimes committed by people who use drugs by creating mechanisms for informing police citizens from risk groups about the services of institutions providing preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation and other services in the territory of communities. The course is hosted on the distance learning server of KHNUVS in the section “Author courses”. The materials were developed by: the research laboratory on the problems of combating crime, the public relations department, the faculty No. 1 (Department of Forensic Science, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training, Master's students and cadets), the medical and sanitary part of the university. This development is a continuation of cooperation between the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the National Police of Ukraine and the Regional Program Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Eastern Europe on issues related to the fight against illegalities the circulation of narcotic substances, scientific and legislative support of this process.

A series of training videos “Recommendations on the personal safety of police officers for the prevention of HIV infection and other blood-borne diseases”:

training video 1. “Pathways of transmission of HIV”. See the link:
training video 2. “Personal review. Search the premises.” View at the link:
training video 3. “Wounded by a needle or other sharp object. The ingress of drops of blood (or other biological fluids) on intact skin, in the eyes, in the mouth.” View at the link:
training video 4. “General security measures of the police. Post-contact prophylaxis”. View at the link:
training video 5. “Algorithm of redirection (informing)”. See the link:
training video 6. “Screening”. See the following link:
methodological recommendations “Organization of activities of units of the National Police of Ukraine on interaction with communities in informing representatives of high-risk groups about human immunodeficiency virus infection”. Download via the link:

Abstract: The guidelines are intended
for use by police officers who, in the course of their official duties, interact with representatives of risk groups and persons with experience of drug use, or their environment. Among the problematic issues addressed by these recommendations, the central one is to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent the use of psychoactive and narcotic substances, to reduce the number of crimes committed by people who use drugs, by creating mechanisms for informing police citizens from the risk group about the services of institutions providing preventive, medical, rehabilitation and other services in the territory of communities. Such activities are a determining factor in the reorientation of drug policy from criminal bias to prioritizing the implementation of measures to reduce illicit demand. The recommendations explain the relevance of preventive measures, consider coordination of police cooperation with communities, organization of thematic education of police officers, HIV prevention among groups at increased risk of infection, including HIV prevention among police officers, evaluation of activities on informing risk groups and reporting on prevention HIV. The recommendation includes an algorithm for police actions to inform risk groups and a method of rapid screening for the use of drugs or psychoactive substances.

Electronic training course “Activities of the National Police of Ukraine on interaction with communities in informing representatives of high-risk groups about HIV infection”.

Access for students and cadets registered in the distance education system of KHNUVS at the link:


Electronic training course “Activities of the National Police of Ukraine on interaction with communities in informing representatives of high-risk groups about HIV infection” is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent the use of psychoactive, narcotic substances, reducing the number of crimes committed by people who use drugs, by creating mechanisms for informing the police citizens from the GPRI on the services of institutions providing preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation and other services in the territory of communities.

The course is intended for employees of the National Police of Ukraine, it consists of 2 topics and can be integrated, as a separate thematic module, into a larger overall course in the system of training and professional development of employees of the National Police of Ukraine.

The first topic “Drug Policy and General Issues of Addictive Behavior” reveals the general issues of international and national drug policy; definitions of such concepts as drugs, psychotropic substances, psychoactive substances (surfactants), new psychoactive substances (NAPs) are defined; the concepts of “drug addiction”, “drug addiction”, “alcohol addiction” are defined “Addictive behavior”; an overview of the relevant sections of the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 and DSM-5 is given; a brief overview of the diagnosis of disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances is given; the essence is revealed biopsychosocial model of addiction; stages of development of addictive behavior are characterized; an overview of the main directions of prevention of addictive behavior is given.

The second topic “Activities of the National Police on informing representatives of high-risk groups” reveals the tasks of police units on HIV prevention among groups at high risk of infection; procedure for collecting information about partner institutions; procedure for informing high-risk groups; DAST screening tool is given 10; the issues of organization, coordination and interaction in informing high-risk groups are revealed.

The course reveals the principles of the strategy to reduce the harm from the use of drugs and surfactants, the issue of protecting police officers from tuberculosis infection in the performance of official duties. The rules for providing first aid for drug overdose before the arrival of qualified medical care are given. A list of things that may be needed when conducting a search to reduce the risks of contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases, as well as general recommendations on the personal safety of police officers for the prevention of HIV infection and other blood-borne diseases are given.

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