Hacker who developed one of the world's largest phishing services to attack financial institutions reported on suspicion - National Police

29.03.2021 10:39

Phishing attacks have targeted financial institutions and hacking postal services. As a result, financial institutions in 11 countries of the world were affected. Losses reach tens of millions of dollars.

The hacker was exposed by employees of the Cyber Police Department together with the Main Investigation Department of the National Police during an international special operation with law enforcement officers of the United States of America and Australia in February this year.

The 39-year-old resident of Ternopil region is suspected of developing a phishing package and a special administrative panel for it, which targeted the web resources of more than a hundred banking institutions and their clients in Europe and Australia. The admin panel allowed to monitor the accounts of users who registered on compromised resources and entered their payment data. In the future, this data was used by hacker groups for their own purposes.

According to the results of computer and technical examinations, hundreds of different malware products were discovered, which were displayed and sold by the defendant in his own online store in Darknet. Losses from illegal activities reach tens of millions of dollars.

The defendant was informed of the suspicion of death. 2. Art. 361-1 (Creation for the purpose of use, distribution or sale of malicious software or technical means, as well as their distribution or sale) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The suspect faces up to five years in prison with confiscation of software or technical means. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Procedural guidance is carried out by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine


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