The seizure of the drug “harvest” for one and a half million hryvnias is the result of searches in a resident of Chernihiv

01.09.2021 17:53

Three-meter hemp, dried drug plants and cannabis jars were discovered by police during a sanctioned search. Law enforcement officers check the husband's involvement in the sale of prohibited substances.

Operatives of the territorial department for combating drug crime together with the investigators of the district police department and under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor's office exposed the illegal activity of a 49-year-old resident of Chernihiv.

The police found that the man had planted elite cannabis plants in the yard of his own household, which he carefully cared for. And to hide them from prying eyes - he fenced with a high fence.

During the authorized search on the territory of the defendant's household, the police found 35 drug plants more than three meters high, and in his house there were 5 kg of cannabis “cones”, 8 kg of dried hemp, 20 kg of cut hemp plants, which were dried in a suspended state. Everything seized was directed to conduct an expert study to the Chernihiv Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

After receiving the results of the investigation, the issue of notifying the offender of suspicion under Articles 309 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues without the purpose of sale) and 310 (Sowing or cultivation of dreamy poppy or hemp) Criminal The Code of Ukraine. Currently, law enforcement officers are checking the man's involvement in the sale of drugs.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the National Police of Ukraine


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