Since SafeBorder began using, border guards have detected 350 fake COVID certificates

27.10.2021 12:25

Since August 2021, border guards have been using SafeBorder software developed by the EU Trust Network in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to expose citizens trying to use fake COVID certificates.

It should be noted that in the last 24 hours only in the capital's airports, border guards discovered 10 fake COVID certificates.

In total, since the start of using SafeBorder, border guards have checked about 7 thousand certificates. During the inspection, the border guards found 350 fake certificates. In all cases, the detection of signs of a criminal offense provided for in Part 4 of Art. 358 CCU (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps), notifications were sent to the National Police.

Note that the use of a knowingly forged document is punishable by a fine of up to fifty taxable minimum incomes of citizens or arrest for up to six months, or restriction of liberty for up to two years.

Recall that with the help of SafeBorder software, border guards carry out electronic verification of COVID-19 certificates confirming the vaccination of citizens, a negative test result or recovery from the disease. Scanning a QR code takes only a few seconds, which significantly speeds up the passage of control and helps to effectively detect invalid documents and, as a result, to expose fakes.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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