Backhanalia of violence under the OP distracts from the real problems of the country — war and pandemic — Anton Gerashchenko

27.03.2021 08:25

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs during the broadcast of the program “Freedom of Speech of Savik Shuster”, commenting on the events of last Saturday near the Office of the President of Ukraine.

“It is very difficult to talk about the events of last Saturday. About this outbreak of violence, riots, against the background of the fact that today four of our servicemen died at the front, which is the third wave of the pandemic in the country,” the deputy minister said.

According to him, the organizers of the action under the President's Office on social networks hinted that violence and clashes with the police were planned.

“Last Saturday, the organizers of the action and the most active part did not want any peaceful action. Most of all, we did not want the blood to spill again — neither provocateurs, nor protesters, nor policemen. Therefore, it was decided not to enter into a violent clash with a separate group of provocateurs,” Anton Gerashchenko noted.

He also added that most of those who came to the rally under the Office of the President were those who decided to peacefully and legally express their protest.

“The windows and doors will be replaced. The facades are almost washed. No blood has been shed, and those who have caused damage to the people's state property will be held accountable. To date, a number of suspicions have already been raised to the most active participants of this action,” he noted.

The deputy minister stressed that the police will protect the right of citizens to peaceful protest. And will bring to justice all those who engage in vandalism and hooliganism.


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