Drugs and psychotropic drugs for more than 4 million hryvnias were seized from a citizen of Kiev

29.07.2021 13:21

The attacker hid the “goods” in banks with detergents and sent to customers under the guise of household chemicals. And for the storage and packaging of prohibited substances, he specially rented an apartment in one of the districts of the capital. Now for such a drug business he faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Operatives of the Department for the fight against drug crime in the city. Kyiv DBN NPU received information that a resident of the capital is engaged in contactless retail sale of drugs and psychotropics through postal items.

It was established that the young man rented an apartment in Podolsk district, the so-called “packing house”, in order to cover illegal activities. There he packed drugs and psychotropics to send throughout the state, hiding in banks of detergents. For the goods, customers paid with it in cryptocurrency - bitcoins.

Operatives together with investigators of the Podolsk Police Department detained a 23-year-old drug dealer on one of the streets of the district. The man was just going to make another shipment of prohibited substances. During the inspection of the contents of the packages, law enforcement officers seized two packages with amphetamine and mephedrone.

As a result of an urgent search in the rented apartment of the intruder, police officers found a kilogram of amphetamine, more than half a kilogram of “Alpha PVP” and mephedrone, three hundred chocolates with psilocybin mushrooms, two hundred ecstasy pills, cannabis, marl LSD, psilocybin mushrooms.

The cost of seized drugs and psychotropics at “black” market prices reaches more than four million hryvnias.

The defendant was detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. He has already been informed of the suspicion of committing the crime provided for in Part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. According to the current legislation, the offender faces up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

Currently, the police are establishing the source and channel of supply of drugs and psychotropic substances. Other persons who may be involved in the specified illegal activity are also identified.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes

National Police of Ukraine

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