The capital's law enforcers stopped the illegal activities of laboratory workers who issued Covid certificates without passing tests

22.10.2021 14:31

Organized a criminal business by a doctor who sought out clients himself or with the help of intermediaries. He was also helped by three nurses who entered false data into the database and printed ready-made documents. Every day, 3-5 clients could use the services of accomplices, paying from 725 to 1800 hryvnias. During the searches, the police seized certificates ready for issuance, money, computer equipment, which were attached to the materials of criminal proceedings.

The Investigative Department of the Metropolitan Police together with the Office of Strategic Investigations in the city. Kyiv exposed the scheme of illegal activities of individual laboratory employees, namely the provision of COVID certificates with inaccurate data. For the agreed amount, for several months, the accomplices issued a medical document without actually passing tests.

According to the deputy chief — head of the investigative department of the capital's head Dmitry Shumeyko, the law enforcement officers established that the laboratory doctor organized the criminal scheme, searched for clients and directed the actions of accomplices:

“Two intermediaries helped the doctor in search of those who wanted to obtain a certificate without undergoing PCR testing, and then the price of the service depended on it — from 725 to 1800 UAH per certificate. False data about the client's lack of coronavirus infection were entered into the relevant database by nurses, who subsequently printed the finished document and received money for it. On the day, from 3 to 5 people applied for this service.”

During the pre-trial investigation initiated under Part 3 of Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - fraud, police officers conducted searches in cars, at the place of work and residence of the defendants, from where they seized dozens of forms of COVID certificates, money, computer equipment confirming criminal activity.

“Violators face from 3 to 8 years in prison. After carrying out the necessary investigative actions, additional qualification of the event is possible. Pre-trial investigation continues,” Dmitry Shumeyko added.

Kyiv Police Communications Department

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