The case of the attack on “Schemes” in Ukreximbank was reclassified - the sanction of the article provides for up to 5 years

06.10.2021 14:07

Police officers submitted information to the ERDR about the incident with the attack on journalists of the program “Schemes” on the grounds of the crime provided for in part 3 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — before that, such information was entered into the EHRD under Part 1 of Art. 171 KKU.

Police officers of the Goloseev department of the Kiev police entered the EHRD information on the grounds of the crime provided for in part 3 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code “Obstruction of the lawful professional activity of journalists” (Influence in any form on a journalist in order to prevent him from performing his professional duties or persecuting a journalist in connection with his lawful professional activity, if such actions were committed by an official using his official position or by a previous conspiracy of a group of persons) on the fact the attack on the journalists of Radio Svoboda in the premises of the state-owned “Ukreximbank”.

Recall that the police attached a video to the case of the attack on journalists in “Ukreximbank”.

Also, on October 4, the Kiev police received a message from the editor of one of the Internet publications on the special line 102 that in the premises of a financial institution on Antonovich Street, the film crew was hindered by journalistic activity. To establish all the circumstances of the incident, patrolmen's uniforms and the investigative and operational group of the Golosiivskyi Police Department immediately went to the call.

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