Investigators sent to the court an indictment against the person convicted of the murder of an “authority” who spread criminal influence and sold drugs in the Chortkiv prison

01.07.2021 12:31

A 29-year-old native of Crimea was serving a sentence for a premeditated murder. In the Chortkiv prison serving sentences, in Ternopil region, the man spread the so-called “thieving traditions”, urged other prisoners to violate the established rules of conduct and positioned himself as one of the so-called “spies” behind certain sections of the correctional institution.

For several months, the employees of the Strategic Investigation Department together with the investigators of the National Police of the region documented the criminal activities of the convict.

According to the head of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the region Vasily Dzhijora, the suspect, using his capabilities and by controlling the convicts, established the receipt of drugs and other prohibited items in the places of detention. The defendant was also “responsible for gambling”, which was held on the territory of the colony between prisoners.

“One of the key “areas” for which the “authority” was responsible was the raising of funds from the so-called “game”, where the prize fund became the objects and drugs prohibited in the institution. He also controlled the “black accounting”. Having all the information about the debtors among the convicts, he extorted money from them and from their relatives at large,” said Vasily Dzhijora.

During the investigation, the police established that in order to legalize funds received from criminal activities, “authority” used the bank card of a previously convicted resident of Ternopil region. Among his accomplices was convicted of intentional grievous bodily harm, a 27-year-old so-called “sleuth” in a correctional institution.

In order to prevent the continuation of the spread of criminal influence, the suspect was transferred to an investigative detention center in another area. Indictment under Part 2 of Art. 255-1 (Establishment and dissemination of criminal influence in the institution serving sentences) and part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code investigators of the Main Directorate of the National Police were referred to the court.

Police Communication Department of Ternopil Oblast

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