Investigators announced the suspicion of two residents of Ternopol in faking PCR tests

23.10.2021 11:26

The scheme for the production and sale of false certificates of PCR tests, in particular for traveling abroad, was organized by two residents of Ternopol. For what he has done, he faces up to 5 years in prison.

In the course of the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the men established the functioning of the so-called “visa center” in Ternopol, where they offered to those willing to receive certificates of PCR testing without undergoing laboratory diagnostics for the presence of COVID-19.

The document indicated a deliberately false study result — negative — and other data needed to travel abroad. The cost of one certificate was from 200 to 500 hryvnia. Every month, the company sold more than 1000 fake tests to customers from all over Ukraine.

Measures to expose illegal trafficking were carried out by the police together with the employees of the prosecutor's office and SBU specialists.

During searches at the addresses of residence of offenders and places of illegal activities, dozens of ready-made fakes, numerous forms and means of manufacturing fakes, computer equipment were seized. Material evidence is aimed at conducting relevant examinations.

The investigators of the Ternopil district police department announced to the defendants the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. They are charged with forging an official document issued by an enterprise and granting rights and exempting from obligations, with the aim of using it by another person and selling such a document, committed repeatedly and by prior collusion by a group of persons.

Investigative actions are underway to identify all persons who used the services of the firm and used forged documents.

Department of communication of the police of Ternopil region


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