Unified system of aviation security and civil protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: 22 more French helicopters will arrive in Ukraine by the end of the year

28.08.2021 10:26

On August 29, 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, by signing a contract with the French company “Airbus Helicopters SAS”, laid the foundation for a new, unprecedented, progressive project — System of Unified Aviation Security and Civil Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, August 28, on the Day of Ukrainian Aviation, we will recall how the ambitious aviation project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began and share further plans for its implementation.

As part of the signed contract between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Airbus Helicopters SAS, 55 helicopters of French production should arrive in Ukraine - H125 for the State Border Service of Ukraine; H145 for the National Police of Ukraine; N225 for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine.

All aircraft are different and adapted to perform various tasks of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: aeromedical evacuation, rescue operations, maintaining public order, anti-terrorist and special operations, maintaining security at state borders and maintaining order on the roads.

As of August 28, 2021, 17 French helicopters are already operating in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

- 2 type H125 for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;

- 5 type H145 for the National Police of Ukraine;

- 6 type H225 for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine;

- 4 type H225 for the National Guard of Ukraine.

However, the contract is not limited solely to the supply of aircraft equipment.

Ukrainian aviators, within the framework of the agreements, are trained at the bases of training centers in France and Germany, as well as at the funds of the aviation units of the NGU, the State Emergency Service and the State Fiscal Service in Ukraine. As of today, 172 aviation personnel have been prepared to perform tasks.

For the high-quality training of aviators and avionics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of the Kremenchuk Flight College, a complete flight simulator flight simulator (FFS) for the H225 type helicopter and the existing layout of the H22 helicopter and the layouts of individual units and units of the H145 helicopter are installed.

In general, the Unified Aviation Safety and Civil Protection System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are aircraft- An-32P, An-26 and An-3, as well as helicopters - Mi-8MT, Mi-8T, EC-145 Eurocopter, H225 Super Puma for search and rescue operations, fire extinguishing, reconnaissance of emergency zones, humanitarian delivery cargo and performance of sanitary aviation tasks of the State Emergency Service;

Aircraft - An-26 and An-72, Mi-8, Mi-2 and AIRBUS HELICOPTERS EC 225 LP. Squadron of unmanned aircraft complexes, which were armed with complexes of the type: “Fly-eye”, “KS-1", “Raven”, “RQ-11B, “Furia” and MARA-2M. AIRBUS HELICOPTERS EC 225 LP of the National Guard of Ukraine.

In the service of the State Border Guard Service are: light patrol aircraft and transport aircraft - Diamont, An-24, An-26, and 72-P; medium helicopters Mi-8MT and AIRBUS H125; unmanned aviation complexes of short flight duration (I class).

The National Police of Ukraine uses AIRBUS HELICOPTERS H145 helicopters.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to actively deploy the Airbus Helicopters maintenance and repair system in Ukraine. The center of technical support will be the city of Nizhyn, Chernihiv region. In the future, this site will serve helicopters and our European partners.

According to the head of the Department of Coordination of Aviation Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Kashuba, the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to increase its capacity and is waiting for new deliveries of helicopters.

“Within the framework of the formation and development of the Aviation Security System, by the end of 2021 it is planned to receive a total of 22 helicopters for the needs of all services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” Oleksandr Kashuba said.

On the joint initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health, and thanks to the air safety system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, aeromedical evacuation is being resumed in Ukraine - a completely new level of emergency medical care, in which a person will receive medical care or be taken to a medical institution from any, even the most remote, corner of the country. The second component of this program is the support of domestic transplantology. This is the branch of medicine where success depends critically, in particular, on the speed of delivery of the recipient or organ to the place of surgery. Only in the first month of operation of the pilot project managed to save the lives of six people who needed emergency medical care. In addition, in one day, transplant doctors from “OKHMADIT” and the Shalimov Surgery Center performed an emergency liver and two kidneys from one donor for a seriously ill boy due to the fact that the aircraft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quickly and on time brought the organ.

Also, the aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine helps foreign states in eliminating the consequences of disasters and emergencies. Thus, on July 20, Ukraine sent two AN-32P SNS aircraft to help the Republic of Turkey, where they provided assistance in extinguishing large-scale forest fires.

In addition to performing tasks, this year the aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in the parade of troops as part of the air column on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine.

You are safe when we are in heaven!


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