In January, the police helicopter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out 15 aeromedical evacuations in Lviv region

01.02.2022 12:11

Another rescue mission has just ended - today, February 1, the helicopter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Airbus Helicopters H-145 delivered a 65-year-old man with an acute myocardial infarction to Lviv City Emergency Medical Hospital.

The air medical evacuation was carried out by specialists of the Aviation Support Center of the National Police of Ukraine and the Lviv Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine.

We wish the patient a speedy recovery!

In general, in January 2022, as part of the aeromedical evacuation, which is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 15 patients from different parts of the region were transported to Lviv, who needed immediate specialized medical care, three of them children.

Lviv Oblast Police Communications Department


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