Theft of oil under the guise of technological services for 2 million UAH: in the Carpathian region the police exposed the participants of a criminal group

25.03.2021 17:17

Among the participants are officials of the regional enterprise of the fuel and energy sector and several private structures.

Members of the group were engaged in the theft of fuel and lubricants, including oil. They disguised their criminal actions under the guise of providing official technological services for cleaning containers and removing waste. Instead, they exported raw materials — oil, by special transport. The stolen intruders sold through the controlled networks of gas stations bypassing any tax payments.


The operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department together with the investigators of the Ivano-Frankivsk region exposed the illegal activity. With the participation of the special unit KORD, the police conducted more than 30 authorized searches of the places of residence of the defendants, in enterprises and in vehicles.

As a result, documents confirming the illegal sale of stolen products, “rough” records and logs, more than 900 tons of raw materials, 100 barrels of oil products with a capacity of 180 liters each, equipment for pumping oil products, trucks with tanks filled with raw materials with a volume of more than 70 tons were seized.

The issue of imposing an arrest on property and the appointment of relevant examinations is resolved. After carrying out the necessary investigative and operational measures, key defendants will be notified of suspicions.

Pre-trial investigation is carried out under Art. 191 (appropriation, embezzlement of property or possession of it by abuse of official position) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

According to preliminary estimates, the amount of damage to the state caused by the actions of the members of the group reaches UAH 2 million.

Procedural management is carried out by the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine

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