Putin will not deprive Ukrainians of the right to build a strong state — Anton Gerashchenko

25.03.2021 22:25

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs during the live broadcast of the program “Right to Power”, commenting on the events of last Saturday near the Office of the President of Ukraine.

“The state of Ukraine is under the attack of the aggressor. Russia took from us part of the territories — Crimea, part of Donbas. But Russia and Putin cannot take away one thing from us: the will to build an independent, sovereign, strong, secure state. Therefore, I call on all those who want to express their constitutional right to peaceful rallies, to take to the streets, as we did on the Maidan. But do it peacefully, because at the moment there is no reason to undermine the foundations of the state system,” he said.

“The Constitution of Ukraine guarantees every citizen the right to peaceful protest. But the events that unfolded outside the President's Office last Saturday cannot be called a peaceful protest. It was primarily planned as an act of violence. The purpose of such a protest was to intimidate the people of Ukraine and the legitimately elected authorities. Before the events at the Bank rally, they called to join the action and take bandages and harnesses with them, with a hint that there will be a massacre,” Anton Gerashchenko said.

The deputy minister said that a month ago the police did not let protesters into the building of the President's Office. A month ago, there were still attractions and entertainment for children in front of this building. Then the law enforcement officers were beaten, sprayed with tear gas and their helmets ripped off. And as a result, they accused the police that law enforcement officers did not let the protesters into the square in front of the Office. “The next action was peaceful — we applauded the peaceful protesters. But this time the organizers of the action have scheduled it to be held at night to hide their faces in the dark and attack the walls that do not fight back. However, this time we understood that if the dialogue police do not persuade some of the protesters not to attack the police, then the law enforcement officers should not touch the protesters,” the deputy minister said.

Anton Gerashchenko thanked the peaceful protesters.

“Protests or rallies are your constitutional right and we will protect it. However, we are categorically against any acts of violence or bloodshed. I am glad that no one was hurt last Saturday except the building. But these things can be replaced or washed,” he said.

The deputy minister called on everyone to take to the streets and express their opinion, as was the case on the Maidan, if such a need arises.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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