The President awarded honorary names to the regiments and the National Guard Training Center

26.03.2021 16:46

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed decrees on awarding honorary titles to the formation of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Taking into account the combat merits, courage, exemplary performance of assigned tasks, high professionalism of the personnel, the honorary name “Colonel Semyon Vysochan” of the 50th Regiment of the National Guard (decree No. 112/2021), the honorary name “Pavlogradsky” 4 Regiment of the National Guard (decree No. 114/2021) and the honorary name “named after Vasily Vyshyvani” — Training Center of the National Guard of Ukraine (decree No. 113/2021) was assigned.

“Seven years ago, the National Guard of Ukraine was created, which united in its ranks military, law enforcement officers and patriotic volunteers. At a critical moment for the state, in the spring of 2014, the National Guards defended the territorial integrity of Ukraine and were at the epicenter of events that decided the fate of our country. To celebrate the combat merits, patriotism and valor of the National Guard, its units are given honorary names. I am sure that the National Guardsmen will wear them with pride and honor,” the President said.

Press service of the NGU and according to the information of the official Internet representative office of the President of Ukraine,

Photo by Andriy Nekrasov

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