Distribution of criminal influence and supply of drugs to detention centers - criminal group exposed in Kropyvnytskyi

29.09.2021 17:34

The organizer spread criminal influence on the inmates of the detention center and with the help of accomplices ensured the supply of drugs to the institution.

Operatives of the Directorate of Strategic Investigations in the Kirovograd region, together with the investigators of the regional police, exposed and stopped the illegal activities organized in the regime facility — the Kropyvnytskyi Investigative Detention Center.

According to the investigation, the organizer - a defendant in several cases, spreading criminal influence among the inmates of the detention center, arranged the supply of drugs to the institution. He was also responsible for filling and distributing funds from the so-called “criminal community”.

The leader of the group of individuals with free will and dependents of the SIZO helped. Each of the accomplices had its own role: packaging, delivery of prohibited substances to the isolation center and their sale on the territory of the special institution.

On Wednesday, September 29, the police, together with the employees of the SBU Regional Directorate and with the strong support of the special police regiment, conducted a number of searches in the holding chambers and the places of residence of the defendants. Police seized drugs, mobile phones and more than 80 thousand UAH. In addition, in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, one of the defendants was detained.

Criminal proceedings under the procedural guidance of the Kirovograd Regional Prosecutor's Office are investigated under Part 2 of Art. 255-1 (establishment or dissemination of criminal influence) and Part 2 of Art. 307 (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of notifying the organizer and members of the group about suspicions is resolved.

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