A boy wounded in Zhytomyr region from a local hospital was taken to Kiev

13.07.2021 14:08

Today, July 13, with the help of a helicopter of the Air Security System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a 9-year-old resident of the city. Novograd-Volynsky with a serious gunshot wound was transported to the capital. The fight for his life will be continued by doctors of the National Children's Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Okhmatdyt”.

About 12:30 in the m. Novograd-Volyn medical resuscitation vehicle of emergency medical care delivered the wounded 9-year-old boy to the Avangard stadium, where the helicopter of the special aviation detachment of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine landed. The crew of rescuers today just took part in tactical and special exercises in Rivne region, so they arrived in the Zhytomyr region as quickly as possible.

The child and two anesthesiologists were moved aboard the helicopter for accompaniment. Within a few hours the boy will be under the care of doctors of the National Children's Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Okhmatdyt”.

“This is exactly the emergency case when all the forces, means and capabilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are raised for the sake of saving the child. We did everything we could to help save the child,” said the head of the GUNP in Zhytomyr region Yuri Oliynyk.

Zhytomyr region police communication department


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