Police arrested five drug dealers and seized drugs worth about 15 million hryvnias

13.10.2021 09:44

During the special operation, police at the entrance to the capital stopped a car in which two men were carrying drugs. Subsequently, a cache of methadone was discovered in the Chernihiv region and three men who were excavating it were detained on the spot. In total, during the special operation, law enforcement officers seized about 25 kg of mephedrone.

Operatives of the Department for Combating Drug Crimes received information about the functioning of the channel for the movement of large batches of narcotic drugs on the territory of Ukraine. To establish and document the circumstances and persons involved in the criminal activity, detectives of the Investigative Department of the Metropolitan Police were involved.

As a result of the special operation, law enforcement officers with the strong support of the special unit TOR and the special police regiment No. 1 at the entrance to the capital stopped a premium car in which two drug couriers were located. The 34-year-old driver and 18-year-old passenger were found to have taken the drugs to another area for further sale.

During the inspection in the cabin of the vehicle, the police found 20 half-kilogram packages with a substance of crystalline origin. The rapid analysis showed that the extracted substance was mephedrone with a total weight of more than 10 kg.

The cost of the seized batch of drugs, which is almost 40 thousand single doses, at the prices of the “black” market is about seven million hryvnias.

Also, the attackers seized a pistol for firing rubber bullets, 40 rounds, a knife, money in national and foreign currency, as well as “rough” records.

According to available information, part of the prohibited cargo was taken by intruders the day before in a hideout arranged in a forest strip near Chernihiv. As a result of a thorough check, the police established the location of the drug stash and found there three men who were excavating it. These are residents of Chernihiv, 51, 47 and 18 years old, two of whom have already been convicted of robbery and extortion.

As a result of the activities carried out in the hideout and car of the attackers, the police seized about 15 kilograms of mephedrone, mobile phones, shovels, scales and other items that indicate their criminal activity.

Five defendants were detained under the order of Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Investigators and operatives continue to work to collect evidence base of criminal activities of other defendants. Two men have already been notified of suspicion of committing a crime, and the court will soon choose preventive measures for them.

Investigators are investigating criminal proceedings Part 3 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Under current law, they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Measures are underway to expose all the accomplices of the detainees, as well as the source and channel of supply of drugs are being established.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, the procedural management of which is carried out by the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes

National Police of Ukraine

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