The police of Vinnytsia region exposed the organized criminal group in the manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs

06.09.2021 09:47

The stable organized criminal group included residents of the city of Ladyzhyn repeatedly convicted of serious violent, property and drug crimes. With the involvement of KORDU fighters and a special purpose company, the police conducted 8 sanctioned searches and stopped the activities of two drug laboratories. They were arranged in the garage and utility room at the residence of the 36-year-old organizer of the crime group. There, the police seized equipment, precursors for the manufacture of psychotropic drugs and ready-to-use amphetamine in particularly large quantities.

According to the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Vinnytsia Oblast Andriy Damzin, for several months the employees of the Criminal Investigation Department together with the investigators of the regional head of police under the procedural leadership of the regional prosecutor's office carried out operational procurement and documented the criminal activities of the participants groups that manufactured and sold amphetamine on the territory of Vinnytsia region. In this way, the attackers earned about 100 thousand hryvnias per month.

Organized such criminal activity — 36-year-old resident of Ladyzhin previously convicted of murder and drug crimes.

During searches of the organizer and other defendants involved in the manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs, police officers seized amphetamine in particularly large sizes, equipment, precursors and chemical reagents for its manufacture, electronic scales, draft records, SIM cards, mobile phones, bank cards and money obtained from the sale of drugs.

The removed is sent for examination.

The investigation investigates criminal proceedings initiated under Part 2 of Article 307 (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The defendants of the group face punishment - up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Department of communication of police of Vinnytsia region

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