Police added video to case of attack on journalists in “Ukreximbank” - Denis Monastyrsky

06.10.2021 10:25

This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky today, October 6.

“The police have already added to the investigation materials a video from the office of the chairman of the board of Ukreximbank, which recorded the illegal actions of a group of individuals against Radio Svoboda journalists. In the near future, the injured party will also transmit the original of the recovered video, which will also be attached to the proceedings as material evidence and sent for examination. Information in the ERDR under Art. 171 “Obstruction of legitimate professional activity of journalists” according to the statement of journalists was introduced on the same day on Monday, October 4. I am sure that the investigation will not take much time and will soon be presented with suspicions agreed by the prosecutor's office. I would add that such behavior towards media employees is unacceptable in a democratic society and will receive a proper legal assessment from law enforcement officers and the court,” said Denis Monastyrsky.

Recall that on October 4, the Kiev police received a message from the editor of one of the Internet publications on the special line 102 that in the premises of a financial institution on Antonovich Street, the film crew was hindered by journalistic activity. To establish all the circumstances of the incident, patrolmen's uniforms and the investigative and operational group of the Golosiivskyi Police Department immediately went to the call. Due to the fact of obstructing the professional activity of journalists, the capital's investigators initiated criminal proceedings.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


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