Police blocked the drug supply channel to Lviv detention center

10.09.2021 14:50

The so-called “spotter” behind one of the buildings of the special institution set up drug traffic and selected participants for this. Among them are detainees of the detention center and local residents.

As established by the operatives of the department of strategic investigations in the Lviv region and the investigators of the investigative department of the regional police, the criminal activity was organized repeatedly by a convicted Lviv citizen. He was arrested for murder and placed in a correctional facility for the duration of the investigation. There, having authority in criminal circles, he received the status of a so-called “spotter” behind one of the buildings and established drug trafficking. As accomplices, he attracted inmates of the detention center and local residents, some of whom already had problems with the law for drug crimes.

During the investigation, law enforcement officers found out that roles were clearly distributed among all participants. So, the organizer coordinated the group. With his permission, drugs were purchased “at large” and transferred to the institution for further sale to prisoners. Participants bought drugs and psychotropics, transferred through various channels to the detention center, collected funds for the “goods”. For the most part, the attackers handed over “packages” during the referral of the arrested to the courts.

On August 9, operatives and investigators detained one of the members of the criminal group with another batch of “goods” and the seller of the drug. Simultaneously with the detention, law enforcement officers, with the strong support of the special police regiment, conducted authorized searches in the cells of the detention center where the defendants are held and in the places of residence of other members of the group.

In addition, three persons were notified of suspicion under Part 2 and Part 3 of Article 307 (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Further procedural measures are being carried out to notify the organizer and other members of the group about the suspicion.

Documentation of illegal activities of the organized criminal group was carried out with the assistance of employees of the Department of Operational and Investigative Work of Lviv Detention Center. The procedural guidance in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine


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