Police officers of Kirovograd region exposed a powerful drug group: those involved earned 2 million hryvnias every month

15.12.2021 17:51

The attackers specialized in the sale of heavy drugs and psychotropics — acetylated opium, methadone, amphetamine and methamphetamine. At the same time, sales were carried out exclusively during personal meetings and only for cash. According to available information, they sold only acetylated opium every month about 15 thousand doses.

Operatives of the territorial department for combating drug crime, together with operational units and investigators of the Kirovohrad region police, exposed drug addicts.

During the documentation of the illegal activities of the defendants, the operatives established that the illegal “business” was organized by a resident of Alexandria. He attracted 13 more locals, distributing responsibilities between each. One of them was in charge of supplying wholesale batches of “goods”. The storage of drugs and psychotropics and their packaging was provided by the parents of another member of the criminal group. The rest of the defendants carried out direct sales of prohibited substances, which they distributed in the territory of Kirovograd region, passing them from hand to hand during personal meetings with clients and only for cash.

Yesterday, December 14, law enforcement officers with the strong support of special officers of KORD, TOR and RPOP detained members of the drug gang and conducted 18 simultaneous sanctioned searches in the homes and cars of the defendants. In total, during the measures were withdrawn: one and a half liters of acetylated opium, 500 g of poppy straw concentrate, methadone, methamphetamine and opium extraction. In addition, the cut of a hunting rifle, mobile phones, bank cards, money and packaging equipment have been seized. The cost of seized drugs and psychotropics, at the prices of the “black” market, is about one million hryvnias.

The leader and seven other members of the drug group were detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Investigators have already informed them of suspicion of committing criminal offenses under Part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The final legal qualification of the actions of the attackers and procedural decisions in relation to other members of the group will be made after the receipt of the results of expert research. The issue of the imposition of arrest on the immovable property of the defendants and their cars is also being resolved.

For the actions committed, the defendants face punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years with the confiscation of property.

Procedural guidance in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Kirovohrad Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes

National Police of Ukraine

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