Signed Ukrainian-French agreements are the prospect of work of Ukrainian enterprises for export

13.05.2021 15:08

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Sergey Goncharov, commenting on the signing of four intergovernmental agreements between Ukraine and France, said that these documents open the way for the development of Ukrainian industry and the work of domestic enterprises not only for their own needs, but also for export.

“Last year there was a meeting of the Ukrainian-French Commission on Economic Cooperation, at which bilateral cooperation was agreed. Already today we have the result — signed intergovernmental agreements totaling more than 1.3 billion euros. One of the important factors for us was precisely the fact of localization and production of such products at Ukrainian enterprises,” the Deputy Minister said.

According to him, the four contracts are divided into two blocks.

“The first humanitarian and reintegration project is to provide our population with quality drinking water. In the Luhansk region alone, about one million residents from 20 settlements will receive new high-quality water supply systems. A similar package is offered for our capital. The term of the loan is 40 years, the first 15 years there is a preferential lending period, the interest rate is 0.0092% per annum,” said Sergey Goncharov.

The second block is large-scale economic projects — production of modern electric locomotives and provision of specialized rescue vehicles for work on high-rise buildings to the State Emergency Service. Unfortunately, such equipment is not produced in Ukraine.

“These two projects will also be localized in Ukraine and during the entire period of their operation we will receive additional jobs, as well as create Ukrainian service centers for servicing such equipment. The first copies will be manufactured in France, where our specialists will be present during the work process. In the future, the equipment will be assembled and configured at our enterprises. This is a way of possible expansion of cooperation, because we develop local fire teams. And also this is the prospects of work for export,” he said.

Sergey Goncharov explained how the financing mechanism will take place.

“For water projects — all 140 million are financed by the loan funds of a non-profit bank and the state treasury. Then it will be paid for by water channels that will serve the new technologies. According to the needs of the SNS, the loan is 85% of the total contract amount, which will be gradually paid by the state budget. 15% is a contribution from the state budget of Ukraine. As for the equipment for “Ukrzaliznytsia”, this is a state borrowing, and the loan will be paid by the company that will service this equipment,” he said.

In turn, the head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Mykola Chechotkin stressed that rescue units have long felt the urgent need to modernize equipment for work at height.

“Equipping rescue units with special equipment for rescuers at altitude is not enough. All lift machines are morally obsolete, and write-offs require about 90% of equipment units. From the implementation of the joint project, we expect to completely re-equip the rescue fleet with high-altitude equipment to save people. This will make it possible to provide better services to our population and save human lives. I am convinced that our joint work has a powerful potential,” said Nikolai Chechotkin.

Ukraine and France have signed four intergovernmental agreements worth EUR 1 billion 300 million.

Arsen Avakov, as co-chairman of the Joint Ukrainian-French Intergovernmental Commission, signed two agreements at once — on the joint production of 370 units of lifting machines for rescuers and a project to build an efficient water supply system in Kyiv.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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