The winner of sambo fighting in the championship of FST “Dynamo” of Ukraine became the national team of KHNUVS

06.05.2021 16:48

From May 4 to 6, the FST Dynamo Ukrainian Sambo Championship was held in Kharkiv on the program of complex competitions “Dynamoada-2021”. The participants of the event were 12 teams of higher education institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

According to the results of the competition, the national team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took the 1st overall team place, having received the Cup and the Diploma of the I degree, the team of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine took the 2nd place, the team of the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took the 2nd place.

The athletes were congratulated by the rector of the university, police general of the 3rd rank Valery Sokurenko. “For us, Dynamada is our Olympic Games. This time, representatives of all higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs met on Kharkiv soil, and it is very pleasant that the athletes of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs became the winners. Sports victories are important for the law enforcement officer, for his further service. He must be able to protect not only himself, but also citizens who need it. Our mood is festive. We are proud to have won a place in this difficult but honest struggle.” The rector also noted that all athletes will be encouraged by the university management.

Valeriy Sokurenko expressed his gratitude to FC Dynamo of Ukraine for the proper provision of the competition, the high level of their organization and refereeing.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector of the University Police Colonel Serhiy Bortnyk and the Dean of Faculty No. 3, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Alexander Morgunov.

In the individual standings, the athletes of the KHNUVS took the following places:

in the weight category up to 58 kg:

1st year cadet of Faculty No. 1 Georgy Ivchenko — 2nd place; in weight category up to 64 kg:

3rd year cadet of Faculty No. 1 Yegor Reva — 3rd place; in weight category up to 71 kg:

1st year cadet of Faculty No. 2 Mykola Sidor — 1st place; 1st year cadet of Faculty No. 2 Vasyl Sidor —
3rd place; in weight category up to 79 kg:

1st year cadet of Faculty No. 4 Bohdan Korobeinikov — 2nd place; in weight category up to 88 kg:

cadet 3 of Faculty No. 1 Daniz Rashidov — 5th place; 2nd year cadet of Faculty No. 1 Ilya Petrakov — 2nd place;
in weight category +98 kg:

2nd year cadet of Faculty No. 1 Denis Smirnov — 3rd place. All athletes were awarded medals and diplomas of the corresponding degrees.


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