National police officers blocked the international channel of smuggling of precursors

20.12.2021 11:56

Members of the criminal organization imported into Ukraine prohibited drugs containing the precursor pseudoephedrine. We sold them through our own store on the Internet. At the same time, every month they shipped from abroad about 100 thousand pills, from which more than 32 thousand doses of methamphetamine could be produced. Their monthly profit from such activities reached one million hryvnias.

It was established that the group consisted of 7 people. The illegal business was organized by a 39-year-old native of Donetsk region. He involved six more residents of Volyn and Donetsk region in illegal activities, as well as his wife, who was responsible for the group's financial affairs.

The defendants established a channel for the supply of prohibited drugs from the Republic of Poland to Ukraine. They transported them across the border by cars, hiding under the skin, and sold on their own website, which was administered by another member of the group, knowledgeable in the field of IT technologies.

Every month they imported to Ukraine about 100 thousand pills, from which more than 32 thousand doses of methamphetamine could be produced. They sold them throughout the country, and their client base was one and a half thousand people. Such a “business” brought the defendants a million hryvnias of profit every month.

Operatives of the Department for Combating Narcotics, together with the investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police and Donetsk Oblast, with the strong support of the fighters of the special units of the TOR and RPOP, detained the most active members of the group. One of them was detained by the police in Volyn immediately after passing the customs checkpoint “Yagodin”. He just crossed the border with another batch of banned drugs that were hidden under the skin of his car.

In total, during 33 simultaneous searches, which were carried out in the apartments and cars of the defendants in the territory of Kiev, Volyn, Odessa and Donetsk regions, more than 47 thousand pills of drug bans, money in national and foreign currency, mobile phones, SIM cards, cars and “black” new” entries. The value of the “black market” withdrawn at prices is more than one million hryvnias.

Three active members of the group were detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Detainees and their accomplices prepare reports of suspicion under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

- part 3 of article 311 - illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of precursors; - part 3 of article 305
- smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors or counterfeit medicines; - part 1 of article 255 - creation, management of a criminal community a criminal organization, as well as participation in it.

For the committed acts, the participants are threatened with imprisonment for up to twelve years with confiscation of property. The procedural guidance in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the National Police of Ukraine

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