In Zhytomyr region, police seized hemp for half a million hryvnias

13.09.2021 16:50

Police of the Office for Combating Drug Crimes in the region, together with the Malyn Department and the fighters of the special purpose police company of the GUNP, exposed a resident of the city community in the cultivation and storage of narcotic drugs. During the search in his household, drug-containing plants and drugs worth more than 500 thousand hryvnias were seized at “black” market prices. The investigation is ongoing.

Operatives of the Regional Office for the Fight against Drug Crime, checking information about buyers of one of the specialized online stores, came to their regular client in Zhytomyr region. The 26-year-old young man ordered and received elite varieties of cannabis.

“At the place of residence of the husband, by the way, he himself comes from Kherson region, and in Zhytomyr region, in the village. Yaltsivtsi, which has been living since recently, our employees, together with the investigators of the local police department and with the support of special officers of the GUNP, conducted an authorized search. As a result, both in the greenhouse and in the backyard, hemp plantings were found - a total of 149 plants,” said the head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime in the region Vadim Savchuk.

About 3 kg of cannabis, as well as other evidence of illegal activity, were seized from the house by the police. Currently, a pre-trial investigation is carried out on the grounds of offenses provided for in Articles 309 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues without the purpose of sale) and 310 (Sowing or cultivation of dreamy poppy or hemp) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Investigators have appointed an expert study of the detainee.

Previously, the 26-year-old owner of the drug plantations did not fall into the field of view of the law enforcement officers of the region. Currently, for such “activity” he may be threatened with imprisonment for a period of 3 to 7 years.

Zhytomyr region police communication department

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