In the Kherson region, the police discovered the cultivation of cannabis worth more than 300 million hryvnias

26.07.2021 13:03

Criminal investigation officers of the Kherson region police on the territory of the Chaplin territorial community discovered the cultivation of hemp in the area of one hectare. The narco-plantation was carefully cared for and guarded. Currently, four members of a group involved in the cultivation of drug plants are in temporary detention. According to this fact, criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Article 310 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine have been opened. The necessary investigative measures are currently underway.

Operatives, together with the employees of the investigative department of the regional head of police, with the strong support of the soldiers of the special police company, exposed a group of persons involved in the cultivation of cannabis in large quantities. In total, law enforcement officers removed 34700 bushes of drug-containing plants from the drug plantation.

According to the deputy chief of the regional police chief Mykola Tsap, the drug plantation was located on the territory of a destroyed poultry farm near the village. Transfiguration. The plants, which are hybrid cannabis with a high content of cannabinoids, were sown using special agricultural machinery. Drip irrigation was laid along the rows with hemp, and the plants were also carefully treated against weeds.

In order to detect the appearance of outsiders in advance, the intruders installed a watchtower near the sowing, from which the duty officer, armed with a smooth-barreled hunting rifle, monitored the land plot around the clock. In the course of the first-line investigative actions, the police detained four citizens, aged 26 to 57 years, who are reasonably suspected of involvement in the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, which are estimated to amount to more than 300 million hryvnias. At present, the suspects are detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and are in a temporary detention facility.

Currently, within the framework of criminal proceedings opened on the basis of Part 2 of Article 310 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the necessary investigative and investigative measures continue. The owner of the land plot, the organizer of the criminal group and the ways of selling drug materials are established. The issue of choosing preventive measures for detainees in the form of detention is also resolved.

Police communication department of Kherson region


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