In Kherson region, police discovered a hemp plantation worth more than 10 million hryvnias

19.07.2021 11:56

Operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Kherson region uncovered a criminal group, whose defendants equipped an entire plantation for growing hemp bushes in the middle of the Kherson plains. The resulting “harvest” was planned to be sold on the territory of the region. At “black market” prices, the value of the seized marijuana is more than 10 million hryvnias.

On July 17, the employees of the USSR together with the investigators of the regional head of police, according to the procedural guidance of the Kherson regional prosecutor's office and the force support of the special unit of the police KORD, documented the criminal activities of “drug farmers”. 1768 cannabis bushes and 15 kg of dried drug plants were found at the site, worth more than 10 million hryvnias.

As Oleksandr Slavinsky, Deputy Head of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Kherson region, told the attackers from 24-36 years old, two of them residents of Kherson, others from the region. The men grew drug plants among the waterlogged areas on the left bank of the Dnieper River using all the necessary technologies. To care for the plants, the group members used a motoblock and a portable motorized pumping station, as well as various fertilizers to accelerate plant growth.

Two defendants were detained by law enforcement officers in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. In relation to two more citizens, search activities are being carried out.

The removed is directed to research. Open criminal proceedings under Part 3 of Article 309 “Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues without the purpose of sale” and Part 2 of Article 310 “Sowing or cultivation of dreamy poppy or hemp” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Investigative actions continue.

Police communication department of Kherson region

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