In Poltava region, police officers liquidated the drug supply channel to the correctional institution

10.12.2021 10:18

Operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department in Poltava region together with police investigators stopped the illegal activities of the criminal group. The organizer and executors were informed of suspicions.

The 33-year-old so-called “spy” behind one of the bodies of the correctional institution, previously convicted of a similar crime, as well as car theft and theft, set up a “scheme” for the supply and distribution of methadone and cannabis. Using his authority and criminal influence, he attracted persons serving sentences, as well as those at large, into accomplices.

Narcotic and psychotropic substances were transmitted under the guise of parcels along with household items. In the correctional institution, the convicts sold drugs among other dependents of the institution, and the funds were distributed among themselves. Some of the drugs were given to the convicts as winnings in gambling, for which the “sleuth” was responsible.

On Thursday, December 9, police conducted authorized searches in the correctional institution and the places of residence of the defendants at large. During the events, bags and concoctions with cannabis, syringes with residues of narcotic and psychotropic substances, rough records were discovered and removed.

The so-called “spotter” was informed of the suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 255-1 (Establishment or dissemination of criminal influence), part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Three members of the criminal group were declared suspects under Part 2 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The events were held with the participation of a battalion of special purpose police and employees of the correctional institution. The procedural guidance in the pre-trial investigation is carried out by the Poltava Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine


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