An entrepreneur accused of obstructing the legal professional activity of a journalist will be tried in Lviv region

23.09.2021 11:54

As established during the pre-trial investigation by the investigators of the Lviv District Police Department No. 2 together with the employees of the Department for the Protection of Public Interest and the State of the Lviv Police, under the procedural direction of the Frankivsk District Prosecutor's Office, the owner of one of the restaurants beat the journalist, damaged the equipment, and also illegally seized it collected materials.

A 37-year-old local resident prevented a journalist from filming near a restaurant owned by him. The suspect knocked a video camera out of the hands of an employee of a local broadcasting company, tried to break it, and beat the victim.

The attacker was informed of the suspicion of committing criminal offenses provided for in Part 1 of Article 171 (Obstruction of legitimate professional activity of journalists) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 2 of Article 345-1 (Threat or violence against a journalist) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The pre-trial investigation is completed, on September 22, law enforcement officers sent the indictment to the court. The maximum penalty for the accused is imprisonment for up to five years.

Lviv Oblast Police Communications Department

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