In Lviv region, police detained members of a drug group with a monthly profit of 400 thousand hryvnias

24.09.2021 10:41

Five men sold drugs and psychotropic drugs on the territory of Lviv region with the help of two messengers. Prohibited substances were provided by a resident of Kyiv region. In order not to get into the field of view of police officers, they used a contactless distribution method, and the funds were received through electronic wallets.

For several months, the operatives of the Lviv Department for Combating Drug Crimes and the investigators of the Investigative Department of the Lviv District Police Department No. 2 documented the criminal activities of a group of persons who were engaged in the sale of drugs and psychotropics through two online stores. In particular, police officers established the organizer, members of the drug gang and the supplier.

This activity was organized by a 26-year-old man. In order to establish a sales network and increase the number of customers, he created two drug stores that offered a wide range of “goods”. For the sale of prohibited substances, he took from accomplices four more men aged 22 to 29 years, and a 25-year-old resident of the Kiev region supplied the products to the attackers.

The leader of the group personally supervised the orders and deliveries of prohibited substances, while the other four members of the group, under his strict control, were engaged in packing and placing “bookmarks” on the territory of the region. In a month, they sold about three kilograms of drugs and psychotropics, which is almost 2600 “bookmarks”.

Funds for the order “clients” were transferred to electronic wallets or calculated in cryptocurrency, and after payment they received a photo with the location of the pre-made “bookmarks” and their coordinates. Monthly “profit” amounted to 400 thousand UAH, which was distributed among all participants.

Yesterday, on September 23, law enforcement officers with the strong support of the special unit KORD and a battalion of special purpose police detained the organizer and four other members of the group in Lviv region, another in Kyiv region. As a result of 10 simultaneous sanctioned searches, about 2 kg of amphetamine, more than a kilogram of chocolates containing “psilocybin”, almost a kilogram of cannabis, mephedrone, psilocybin mushrooms, MDMA, hashish, as well as a large number of packaging materials, electronic scales were seized, “rough” records, bank cards and money. The cost of the “black” market withdrawn at prices is about two million hryvnias.

The organizer and four other defendants were detained under the order of Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Four of them have already been reported on suspicion of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

After carrying out the necessary procedural actions, the issue of notifying two more members of the group about the suspicion will be resolved.

Suspects may face punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years with confiscation of property.

Pre-trial investigation is carried out under the procedural direction of the Frankivsk District Prosecutor's Office of the city of Lviv.

Department for Combating Drug Crimes

National Police of Ukraine

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