In Dnipropetrovsk region, the internal security of the National Police and the SBI exposed a drug syndicate under the “cover” of former and current police officers

23.11.2021 16:35

The criminal organization manufactured and distributed drugs on the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region with the knowledge of individual police officers, in particular the leadership. In addition, one of the police officials was criminalized for torturing persons.

In the spring of this year, employees of the Department of Internal Security of the National Police of Ukraine established a group of persons engaged in the manufacture, sale of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Two people organized the drug business: a 32-year-old native of Georgia, a resident of Dnipro and a 60-year-old expatriate — former first deputy chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region (during his service for seven years he headed the regional unit for combating drug crime).

The drug group consisted of fourteen people, men and women aged 21—47 years, who performed clearly distributed functions: the manufacture of certain drugs and their subsequent distribution. The cynicism of the activities of the exposed group was that drug dealers involved children in the drug addiction, who were later to be attracted to the sales network.

The former police officer advised the leader of the criminal organization on conspiracy methods, law-enforcement plans for documentation, suggested points of wholesale purchase of drugs and precursors and the place of their manufacture. Also, his duties included the transfer of part of the profits to a 43-year-old retired policeman, the former head of one of the units of the Office for the Prevention of Drug Crime (UPN) of the Dnipropetrovsk police, who acted as an intermediary between the participants of the drug syndicate and the acting police officers.

Among the accomplices, who for systematic monetary remuneration did not take response measures and covered up illegal activities, were the senior operating officer of the Dnieper district police department (previously held the leading position of the UPN police of the region) and one of the police officials of the city of Sinelnikovo, who until recently was also at leading position in the police of Pavlograd. In addition, during the documentation, one of the police officers involved in the group's activities was exposed to torture detainees.

Under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General, the physical support of the fighters of the FIB Rapid Response Division of the NPU and the special purpose police, more than 40 sanctioned searches were carried out on the defendants. Equipment for the manufacture of drugs, “rough” records of psychotropic substances, narcotic drugs, precursors and cash from their sale were seized.

Investigators of the Main Investigative Department of the State Bureau of Investigation are preparing an announcement of suspicion for the defendants of a criminal organization. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Department of Internal Security of the National Police of Ukraine


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