The Ministry of Internal Affairs received the results of the study “Understanding Masculinity and Gender Equality in the Security Sector of Ukraine”

25.03.2021 20:48

On March 25, during the International Scientific and Practical Conference, the presentation of the first national study “Understanding Masculinity and Gender Equality in the Security Sector of Ukraine” took place. At the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the international non-governmental organization PROMUNDO, the National Academy of Internal Affairs and Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, with the support of the
governments of Sweden and Norway and in partnership with the UN structure Women conducted such a study for the first time. It was conducted according to the international methodology of IMAGES

“This study was conducted for the first time in the security sector and in Ukraine as a whole. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is progressive in issues of gender equality and supports all state programs and initiatives that allow strengthening the rights and opportunities of women and men,” Deputy Minister Kateryna Pavlichenko said at the opening of the event.

The survey was conducted from February 2019 to December 2020 in six regions among the personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine and the National Police. In total, more than 1500 respondents were covered. This study aimed to establish and understand how men and women in the security sector in Ukraine perceive masculinity and femininity, gender equality and the role of men and women in society.

“The study outlines the dynamics of the socialization of the respondents, starting from early childhood, and covers the issues of health, relationships with partners, parenting, responsibility, attitudes towards gender roles, professional and domestic responsibilities, violence, and more. That is, this study is quite comprehensive and comprehensive,” the Deputy Minister noted.

The results and recommendations of the study will be used for the implementation of gender-oriented policies in the security sector, the formation of appropriate programs to enhance the competence and capacity of workers in this direction, as well as in the implementation of the second National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” for the period 2025 year. “Gender equality is not a women's issue, but a systemic one.
Last year, Ukraine adopted its second National Action Plan on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. This resolution has played a major role in recognizing the role of men and women and their contributions on issues that relate to peace and security. I am confident that the recommendations based on the results of this study will bring something to the gender-responsible policy at the ministry level and will benefit both men and women in all organizations of the security sector of Ukraine,” said the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to Ukraine Erik Svedal during the event.

“The mission of this study is to shape further policy in the security sector. The Ministry and other stakeholders in the security sector can now benefit from these results and developments. We strive to further develop a gender inclusive development policy that embraces inclusive environments for men and women in the security sector and builds on evidence, experience that is gathered across the country. I want to congratulate you all — this is a very big change. The Ministry of Internal Affairs not only speaks, but also does the relevant things, confirming with its actions that it is on the way to the implementation of national commitments, including the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325,” Erica Kvapilova, Head of the UN Office for Women in Ukraine, noted during the speech.

The study focuses on the male-dominated security sector, and it is the concept of gender roles that significantly influences how men and women participate in all areas of security sector activities, including in decision-making.
“Conducting this study is a very bold step and I congratulate the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Security Agency, NPU, NGU and DPP SU and thank UN Women for their support. This study fits into and responds to the tasks facing Ukraine within the framework of the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, the Annual National Programme under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission and other documents. The expansion of the presence of women in the security and defense sector, which we are actively observing in Ukraine today, is an example of resistance to normative masculinity and femininity and it is not easy for all those who have stepped on this path,” said the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Ekaterina Levchenko.

The study was presented by ProMundo-USA senior scientist Brian Heilman. You can read his brief summary below, in the attached file*.


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