International Center for the Training of National Guard Units 2021 — Today's Realities

26.03.2021 16:31

Since the establishment of the International Interdepartmental Multidisciplinary Center for the Training of Units of NGU, located in the village of Stare in Kyiv region, the National Guard has developed an active platform for the development of international cooperation and interdepartmental training, taking into account the experience of partner countries, as well as the implementation of NATO standards.

Training centers of training units are engaged in intensive cooperation with international partners to create training programs that meet the requirements of today and modern realities and needs of all components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.

After the signing of the Technical Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of National Defence of Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces on a permanent basis, the International Centre hosts a group of Canadian instructors “Staré” of the Joint Operational and Tactical Group of the Armed Forces of Canada in Ukraine, which is actively working to create a multi-level collective training in the National Guard and provides advisory assistance during its implementation.

Already in March of this year, it is planned to start the practical phase of the LOE-5 project “Improving the training capabilities of units of the National Guard of Ukraine”, which is funded by the Global Security Reserve Fund (GSCF) through the US Department of Defense, with the participation of instructors from the United States of America. The project provides for the implementation of training activities in order to develop the system of collective training in the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as the development of the infrastructure of the International Center. As part of its implementation, together with the American side, the construction of a barracks with training classes on the territory of the general military training ground is being built. The work is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

Instructors of the Training Centers of Unit Training undergo traineeships in the Training Centers of France, Italy, Romania and participate in international multinational exercises, drawing on the experience of leading NATO member countries.

The cooperation of the International Center in the collective training of National Guard units with NATO member countries continues and is gaining momentum. Representatives of partner countries in November last year supported the proposal of the NGU to designate the International Center for the Training of National Guard Units as an additional location for conducting multinational exercises “Rapid Trident — 2021”.

On the achievements and development of collective training of units of the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as the development and realities of the present, see the presentation video “International Center of the National Guard #2021”.

Information and Communication Department of the International Center of NGU

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