MDMA, RVP and “methamphetamine” for half a million hryvnias - police detained a drug distributor in Lviv

16.07.2021 10:17

The perpetrator was exposed and detained by criminal investigation agents together with their colleagues — operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations in Lviv Oblast and the Office for Combating Drug Crimes of the Lviv Region Police, under the procedural guidance of the Galician District Prosecutor's Office.

Law enforcement officers seized from a 30-year-old Lviv resident 7 zip bags with narcotic and psychotropic substances - “methamphetamine” (about 300 grams), RVP (about 300 grams) and MDMA (300 tablets). The total cost of substances at the prices of the “black” market is about 500 thousand hryvnias. Everything removed is directed to expert research.

On July 15, the investigators of Lviv District Police Department No. 1 informed the offender about the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 2 of Article 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) Criminal The Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment — imprisonment for a term of six to ten years with confiscation of property.

The suspect is detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the court will soon choose a preventive measure for it. A pre-trial investigation is carried out, law enforcement officers establish the circumstances and persons who may be involved in the criminal activities of the detainee.

Police Communications Department of Lviv Oblast

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