Cyber police exposed a resident of Kropyvnytskyi in fraud under the guise of employment abroad

25.03.2021 16:32

The defendant on the Internet offered paid employment services in Germany. However, after receiving customer money, he disappeared.

The fraud was exposed by cyber police officers in the Kirovograd region together with investigators of the Kropyvnytskyi district police department.

It was found that a 20-year-old local resident posted a job advertisement in Germany on a job search site. The man demanded a subscription for the alleged paperwork. However, having received the money, the attacker did not fulfill the obligations and blocked customers.

Law enforcement officers conducted a search at the place of residence of the man with the involvement of the special unit of the police of the region and seized physical evidence.

According to this fact, criminal proceedings were opened under Part 3 of Art. 190 (Fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for up to eight years in prison. The issue of declaring suspicion of the defendant is being resolved.

Procedural management is carried out by the Kropyvnytsky District Prosecutor's Office.

In total, since the beginning of the year, more than 50 citizen complaints about fraudulent activities under the guise of employment have been received to the cyber police. Most often, attackers demanded a subscription for paperwork, medical certificates, invitations from abroad.

To protect yourself from similar fraudulent schemes, we recommend:

- give preference to vacancies with official employment;

- look for work through reliable companies and organizations;

- in no case do not disclose your personal data to third parties and do not transfer photos of documents;

- do not make any contributions and subscriptions.


Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine

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