Cannabis worth 4 million hryvnias was seized by law enforcement officers from a couple from Mykolaiv region

19.10.2021 10:27

200 elite hemp bushes in a greenhouse with special lighting equipment and automatic irrigation system and fertilizers to accelerate growth, about 80 kg of cannabis — all this was grown and produced by residents of the Nikolaev area on their land plots. The seized police sent for examination.

Investigators of the investigative department of the GUNP in the Nikolaev area together with employees of the Department of Security Service of Ukraine under the procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor's office conducted sanctioned searches at the place of residence of a 66-year-old woman and a 63-year-old man.

Law enforcement found that on several plots of land for individual gardening, homeowners built greenhouses that were equipped with special lighting equipment and an automatic irrigation system.

During the search, law enforcement officers seized 200 elite cannabis bushes, of which there are from 2 to 2.5 meters high, about 80 kg of cannabis, as well as lamps, fans for drying and fertilizers to accelerate plant growth.

In general, the value of the “black” market withdrawn at prices is almost four million hryvnias.

The investigation of criminal proceedings initiated under Part 2 of Art. 310 (sowing or cultivation of dreamy poppy or hemp) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is ongoing.

The question of bringing offenders to justice for the storage of narcotic drugs (Part 3 of Art. 309 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) will be decided after the relevant examinations. In addition, law enforcement officers identify other persons involved in illegal drug trafficking, possible customers and suppliers.

For the crime, the spouse faces up to seven years in prison with confiscation of property.

Department of communication of the police of the Nikolaev area

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